下面是makes的查询结果(@@符号右边有翻译,鼠标连击3下即显示): |
1 | It makes no difference what we say. She's going to do what she wants anyway. | @@我们说什么都不管用。她就是准备一意孤行。 |
2 | a feature that makes the system more practical | @@使系统更实用的特性 |
3 | Absence makes the heart grow fonder. | @@不相见,心更念。 |
4 | Our teacher makes sure we learn something every day. | @@我们的老师确保我们每天都学到东西。 |
5 | The new system makes it easier to access the money in your bank account. | @@新系统使人们从自己的银行账户中取钱更便捷。 |
6 | I have reason to suspect her sincerity when she makes promises like that. | @@当她做出那样的承诺时,我有理由怀疑她是否有诚意。 |
7 | Every year she makes a large donation to a worthy cause. | @@她每年都为一项高尚的事业捐一大笔款。 |
8 | He makes a decent living. = He has a job making/earning decent money. | @@他有一份收入不错的工作。 |
9 | Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience. | @@她的热诚弥补了她的经验不足。 |
10 | What the movie lacks in plot it makes up for in special effects. | @@这部电影的特技弥补了情节上的不足。 |
11 | He loves making fun of women. It makes him feel superior. | @@他喜欢取笑女人,这样让他感觉高她们一等。 |
12 | She makes the claim that sea levels will actually go down. | @@她断言海平面将会下降。 |
13 | He makes the odd mistake, but nothing very serious. | @@他偶尔会出错,但不是很严重。 |
14 | The study aims to find out what makes people commit crimes. | @@研究旨在找出人们犯罪的原因。 |
15 | Our favorite Italian restaurant makes its own fresh bread and salad dressing, not to mention a great spaghetti sauce. | @@我们最喜欢的意大利餐厅有自制的新鲜面包和沙拉酱,更不要说美味的意大利细面条酱了。 |
16 | The reaction of hydrogen with oxygen makes water. | @@氢与氧反应生成水。 |
17 | The building makes a tremendous visual impact. | @@这栋建筑物给人以极其深刻的视觉印象。 |