下面是making的查询结果(@@符号右边有翻译,鼠标连击3下即显示): |
1 | A great deal of effort has gone into making the software reliable. | @@已投入大量精力去提高该软件的稳定性。 |
2 | He's making loads of money. | @@他挣很多钱。 |
3 | Do you think it's within his capacity to do the job without making a mess of it? | @@你认为他有能力完成这项工作而不把它搞砸吗? |
4 | Detectives are making an urgent appeal for information. | @@警探发出紧急呼吁,征求线索。 |
5 | You're making a lot of assumptions for which you have no proof. | @@你现在作的种种假设都是毫无凭证的。 |
6 | Several speakers will be making short presentations. | @@几位演讲者将做简短的报告。 |
7 | We want to involve the workforce at all stages of the decision-making process. | @@我们希望让职员全程参与决策。 |
8 | The goal is to involve workers in the decision-making process. | @@目标是使工人们参与到决策的过程中来。 |
9 | You need to get involved in making things better. | @@你需要积极投入,把事情做得更好。 |
10 | Crowds of people began making their way to the station. | @@一群群人开始朝车站涌去。 |
11 | Resolving this issue is crucial to making peace work. | @@解决这个问题对于实现和平是至关重要的。 |
12 | My mother hardly ever went to the bother of (=the effort of) making cakes. | @@我母亲几乎从来不会费心去做蛋糕。 |
13 | It's difficult to estimate the cost of making your house safe. | @@很难估算维护房屋安全的费用。 |
14 | We suspected his motives in making his offer. | @@我们对他提出这个建议的动机表示怀疑。 |
15 | He recited the whole poem without making a single slip. | @@他一字不差地背诵了全诗。 |
16 | The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort. | @@这个项目的成功要靠每个人的努力。 |
17 | He makes a decent living. = He has a job making/earning decent money. | @@他有一份收入不错的工作。 |
18 | We had resolved on making an early start. | @@我们已经决定早点动身。 |
19 | I'm paying £500, and Dave is making up the rest. | @@我出500英镑,戴夫补足剩下的。 |
20 | My dad was always really good at making up stories. | @@我爸爸一直很善于编故事。 |
21 | He entertained the children by making up a funny story about a cat that lived on a sailboat. | @@他编了个关于一只生活在帆船上的小猫的故事来逗孩子们开心。 |
22 | I think they're making the whole thing up. | @@我认为整件事情是他们编出来的。 |
23 | I told the kids a story, making it up as I went along. | @@我给孩子们讲了个故事,是现编的。 |
24 | She spends ages making herself up. | @@她没完没了地梳理打扮。 |
25 | He loves making fun of women. It makes him feel superior. | @@他喜欢取笑女人,这样让他感觉高她们一等。 |
26 | His willingness to help did not extend beyond making a few phone calls. | @@他帮助的诚意只限于打几个电话罢了。 |
27 | They're not in the same league as the French at making wine. | @@他们的葡萄酒酿造水平远不及法国人。 |
28 | Did you think I was making it all up? | @@你是不是以为我纯粹是在瞎编? |
29 | He admitted making a mistake. | @@他承认犯了错误。 |
30 | Don't bother making the bed - I'll do it later. | @@不用麻烦你铺床——回头我来铺。 |
31 | She was employed in making a list of all the jobs to be done. | @@她忙着把要做的所有工作列一个清单。 |
32 | His job consists of answering the phone and making coffee. | @@他的工作是接电话和煮咖啡。 |
33 | She's making an effort to live more simply and consume less. | @@她正努力过更加简朴低耗的生活。 |
34 | Teachers have considerable input into the school's decision-making process. | @@老师们为学校的决策提供了大量的信息。 |
35 | You need to sort out your priorities before making a decision about the future. | @@对未来作出决定之前,你有必要分出主次。 |
36 | Over the years, the company has gained a reputation for making quality products. | @@这些年来,这家公司获得了生产优质产品的声誉。 |
37 | He was making a living from his real estate investments. | @@他靠房地产投资的收益维生。 |